Welcome to The California Latino Water Coalition
Thanks for visiting the California Latino Water Coalition, an organization dedicated expressly to helping constructively craft solutions to California's water crisis and ensure that our state's vital water supply needs are met, now and in the future. Although formed as a voice for Latinos, our Coalition is a positive force benefitting all Californians. On these pages, you'll better understand the issues we face and learn what the California Latino Water Coalition is all about.
Fight for Water 2
Posted: March 26, 2014
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
VIP Tables Available
Block Ticket Packages Available
General Tickets Available
For more information contact:
Manuel Cunha (559) 251-8468
Mario Santoyo (559) 799-0701
Joe Del Bosque (209) 587-1718
William Boudreau (559) 884-2477

VIP Tables Available
Block Ticket Packages Available
General Tickets Available
For more information contact:
Manuel Cunha (559) 251-8468
Mario Santoyo (559) 799-0701
Joe Del Bosque (209) 587-1718
William Boudreau (559) 884-2477

News Advisory: ABOUT OUR WATER!
Posted: March 26, 2014
Drought Update
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and State Officials will join East Side water leaders in a brief informational discussion of the Zero Water Supply Allocation for users along the Friant-Kern and Madera canals.
Learn what is being done and what more may need to happen if the Friant-Kern and Madera canals are going to have any CVP water to deliver this summer.
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Rally for Water!
Growers, farm workers and other East Side residents dealing with historic drought and unprecedented social and economic harm will have a chance
International Agri-Center
4500 South Laspina Street — Tulare
Water Bond Rally and Legislative Event
Posted: January 6, 2014

The California Latino Water Coalition along with many others are working to resolve the state’s continuing water crisis. We need your involvement to help turn out a big crowd in support of the California Water Bond, along with importance in finding short term water supply solutions for 2014. We’re planning a major legislative event complete with news conference, rally on the State Capitol steps and door-to-door visits in the State Capitol.
More Info